Roman Tereshchenko on the principles of interviewing: biography, family, experience. How to see potential? > 자유게시판

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Roman Tereshchenko on the principles of interviewing: biography, famil…

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작성자 Todd
댓글 0건 조회 38회 작성일 24-08-14 06:45


If you are a specialist in the field of personnel management (HR-manager), you simply must know and understand the importance of proper recruitment. The most effective way is by interviewing a candidate for a particular position in your company. According to business analyst Roman Tereshchenko from Odessa, understanding the goals of a successful interview and терещенко роман викторович realizing the key aspects of the dialog can help your company to attract the best specialists. Roman Tereshchenko knows how to conduct a proper interview and what questions to avoid when communicating with a job candidate and is ready to share his own experience with you.
Roman Tereshchenko: How do interviews help to create a cohesive business family?
According to the business analyst, interviews can help identify those candidates who fit the company's goals, corporate culture and терещенко роман вікторович background. Based on these aspects, Roman Tereshchenko tells what an informative interview with a potential employee can help HR managers to do.
Evaluate the candidate's work experience. By asking targeted questions, you can assess the qualifications, experience and knowledge of a specialist in a particular industry. This will help determine which applicant best fits the company's needs.
Introduce the candidate to the company. Introducing candidates to your company's executives during the interview process can help you understand how they can interact with coworkers and fit into your corporate family.
Analyze whether the candidate has "hard" and "soft" skills. To assess "soft" skills such as communication, problem-solving and Роман Терещенко биография teamwork, you can ask relevant questions. For positions that require specialized technical skills, it is important to test these skills to see if the candidate has them.
Discover qualified candidates with a good track record.
- Interviews provide an excellent opportunity to assess the experience, skills and professional qualities of potential employees. This approach contributes to effective personnel selection and allows key vacancies in the company to be filled more quickly," says Roman Tereshchenko.
Clarify the position and the company's expectations of a specialist for a vacant position. During the interview, it is useful to clarify the company's expectations of the candidate and the responsibilities associated with his position. This will help to better understand whether he or she is suitable for the role. But the business analyst strongly recommends not to ask the candidate questions about his or her personal space during the interview. He is convinced that information about whether a potential employee has a family, as well as other facts from his non-labor biography, are unlikely to help in the selection of a suitable candidate.
Secrets of successful recruitment for business: main criteria for selecting candidates by Roman Tereshchenko
If you are an HR-manager and you are interviewing a candidate for a vacant position, it is important to pay attention to his/her ability to clearly answer questions and prioritize. From the position of Roman Tereshchenko, here is a list of the main aspects that can indicate the potential compatibility of a specialist with your professional family:
Professional skills and experience. According to the expert, the candidate should demonstrate that his or her experience and skills match the requirements of the position. Note specific examples of projects or accomplishments he or she can provide based on his or her work history.
Communication skills. Good communication is important for working effectively in a team and dealing with clients. Think about how the candidate responds to your questions, whether he or she is articulate, and whether he or she is able to listen and adjust to the person you are talking to.
Analytical Skills. Good analytical skills are important for solving complex problems and making informed decisions. Discuss with the candidate examples of situations where he or she has had to make decisions based on analyzing data or information.
Initiative and self-motivation.
- A desire to develop and a commitment to self-improvement are important to an employee's successful career and company biography. Therefore, do not forget to ask the candidate about his goals and what steps he is taking to achieve them, - Roman Tereshchenko recommends.
Understanding the company's goals. It is important that the job applicant understands how his or her work fits into the company's overall goals and strategy. Discuss what he or she knows about your organization and why he or she wants to work there.
Flexibility and adaptability. In today's business, it's important to be ready for change and adapt quickly to new conditions. Therefore, when interviewing, find out how the candidate relates to change and how he or she adapts to new situations.
Roman Tereshchenko emphasizes the importance of a preliminary interview with a candidate for a position in any field. The first dialog and impression for an experienced HR specialist is an indicator for effective personnel selection. As a rule, an HR manager asks pre-prepared key questions that help to understand the abilities of a potential member of a business family. And it does not matter what kind of personal biography a person has (of course, if it is not connected with crime or any other illegal activity), the main thing is that his professional qualities strengthen the team and help to achieve success in the common cause.


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